Allison Myers-Fabian, PhD, ABPP
Board Certified Clinical Neuropsychologist
As of May 21, 2021, Dr. Myers-Fabian’s closed her private practice, Myers-Fabian Neuropsychology, PLLC.
Dr. Allison Myers-Fabian is now practicing at Baylor Scott & White Specialty Clinic in Lakeway (200 Medical Pkwy, Lakeway, TX 78738). To schedule an appointment at Baylor Scott & White Specialty Clinic or to reach Dr. Myers- Fabian please call 512-654-1234.
If you are a past patient of Dr. Myers-Fabian, seen at Myers-Fabian Neuropsychology, PLLC, and have a question or need medical records, please call 512.831.7979 or email [email protected].
If you are a doctor’s office, requesting records for a patient seen prior to May 21, 2021, please fax a request for records to 512.840.1980.